::AbOut mE::

Assalamualaikum & hello...

Siapa As Hasnah???
Well, aku hanya insan biasa. Tak pernah bermimpi pun untuk jadi orang yang luarbiasa. Kesimpulannya, aku adalah hamba Allah swt yang abadi.

Most of my friends called me AS but my family and relatives called me ANA. I like shopping, surfing the internet and reading. Opsss...I love eating also! Haa...I do love sleeping too! Hahaha... (>,<)

My family?
I'm the 6th from 7 siblings. I have 3 brothers, 2 sisters and 1 younger brother. I do have 6 nephews and 4 nieces too. My abah is such a kind man. My beloved emak........she was passed away since 10 years ago. Sad? Of course la, tak terluah rasanya kesedihan ni. But, instead of it I really miss her the most.
Well, my family isn't perfect but I do love them with all of my heart. Yes, I do love them so much!!!  Ya Allah, Kau lindungilah dan berkatilah keluarga ku...
Dearest family, if you read this, please take note that I really love you all...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Friend? Or best friend? 
I do have a friends...still contact with some of kawan-kawan kat sekolah dulu and kawan-kawan kat uitm. Biasalah, semua orang kan ada akaun facebook and twitter so, kadang-kadang terjumpa balik dia orang thru that lah. Life without friend memang sangat-sangat weird kot. Well, ada ke orang yang takde kawan kat dunia ni?! 
Talk about bestfriend...Yes, I have a bestfriend...Opss!! I EVER had a best friends but now is NEVER. I should called them backstabbers instead of best friends actually. And some of them sama dengan pepatah ni kot, "bagai kacang lupakan kulit!" Sad? No...it's regretful accurately. But now I'm fine...my life is even better without a best friends. However, thanks girls for the nightmare and such an 'amazing' experience. I've learned from the lessons. 
Dear ex-best friends, may Allah bless you all.

My life?
Well, I'm living in moderate life. I have my own career. Opss! Own job is more suitable I guess. I live my life independently. Atau ayat kamusnye,"berdiri atas kaki sendiri!" Susah, senang, sedih, suke, duka, ketawa, nangis, tension, senyum, derita, kena hina, kena maki, kena puji, bla...bla...bla...semua dah rasa. But then, those feelings and experiences is like a priceless diamond to me. I've learned a lot. Kalau nak cakap pasal kehidupan ni, sampai bila pun takkan habis kan selagi kita masih bernyawa, masih bernafas, selagi jasad dikandung badan...Haa, that's why la aku create blog ni. But, instead of blog I prefer to called it DIARY. Yes, this is my E-DIARY! Hehehe! I wanna memorized the moments of my life. Mungkin nanti my future kids boleh baca je my diary ni so that tak payah la aku penat-penat bazirkan air liur nak story mory kat dia orang nanti kan. Miahahaha...
Well, selamat berkhidmat wahai E-DIARY...

Last but not least...
Ya Allah, semoga kau melimpahkan rahmat dan berkatMu ke atasku. Tunjukkanlah bagiku jalan untuk mengindahkan rohani dan jasmani ku. Janganlah Kau biarkan aku lalai dengan duniawi sedangkan yang abadi itu adalah ukhrawiMu. Amin.

Till then, wassalam....

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